Mama and Tata Bruno

Mama and Tata Bruno

Mama and Tata Bruno have been a great encouragement to us throughout the programme. In the few months since they arrived at the Family Centre we have seen significant change. They have started to live as a strong unit, they make decisions together, they support each other and have an even gender balance - which is very rarely seen in Ugandan slum families. They also both have a newfound passion for seeing growth, change and love in their family and are working hard to see these things become a reality.

Since arriving at the centre, both Mama and Tata have realised that they have a real love of farming! When in the slum, they were fighting daily for survival, with only a very basic mud house that was collapsing and very few possessions and little hope. Now they have the space and freedom to really think about the future clearly. Their dream is to run their own farm together, and make a business through selling crops and produce from livestock.

When they leave the centre they do not want to go back to the slum but instead want to build their own house on a plot of land near the centre and begin to set up their dream farm. They now live close to the programme site and they are impacting new families that come on the programme by sharing advice as a ‘model’ family for people to talk to, learn from and look up to.